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Genomic Sciences in Immunology – Strategies for Finding Future Drug Targets through Genetics, Functional Genomics and Immunophenotyping

Thu7  Sep09:05am(45 mins)
Auditorium 1
Plenary Keynote:
 Rabinder Prinjha



One of the most critical decisions in the discovery of future medicines is the selection of the right target. Astonishing progress resulting from sustained investment in academia, pharma and PPP consortia have enabled a step-change in our ability to access and use human genetics, genomics and immune-system level data to inform these target selection decisions. Rab will talk about the importance and power of generating high quality human data then integrating these data-sets to enable the prioritisation of hits from genetics and functional genomics screens. He will illustrate the potential portfolio level impact and the remaining challenges of working with very novel targets discovered through this genetics informed immunology strategy.
To view the video assoicated with this lecture click here