Update: GDPR compliance - Klebo/eventflo Conferences

Preclinical translational models for investigating drugs for the treatment of COPD

Wed6  Sep02:00pm(30 mins)
Auditorium 4
Dr Simon Pitchford



This session will focus on the development of pre-clinical animal models of COPD, that have been characterized to mimic the inflammation, emphysematous lung damage, decline in lung function, and reduced mobility that arises after (most notably) cigarette use. Whilst these models use a variety of different agents to induce a neutrophil predominant lung inflammation, the resulting lung damage and consequential effect on lung function varies depending on the agent used. Some animal models have been reported to be useful in providing direct translatability to early phase clinical trials (for example LPS challenge). The usefulness of these, and other models to ultimately predict drug efficacy will be discussed.