Programme : Presentations by Session
Auditorium 2
4-October-2022, at 11:05
Chairs: Dr Allan Jordan, Sarah Skerrat
Auditorium 1
5-October-2022, at 11:00
Chairs: Dr Lisa Mohamet, Dr Samantha Barichievy
Auditorium 3
4-October-2022, at 11:05
Chairs: Chris Herring, Claire Dobson
Auditorium 3
5-October-2022, at 11:00
Chairs: Mario Richter, Kirsten Tschapalda
Auditorium 4
4-October-2022, at 11:05
Chairs: Dr Anna Morgan, Dr Simon Pitchford
Auditorium 1
4-October-2022, at 11:05
Chairs: Ms Sian Lewis, Dr Michael Howell
Auditorium 2
5-October-2022, at 11:00
Chairs: Dr Kathryn Chapman, David Powell
Auditorium 4
5-October-2022, at 11:00
Chairs: Martin Swarbrick, Dr Mary Wheldon, Prof A Ganesan, Mrs Becky Garton
Platinum Suite 1
4-October-2022, at 09:00
Chairs: Dr Simon Chell, Dr Jon Hutchinson, Prof Simon Ward, Dr Katie Chapman
Auditorium 1
4-October-2022, at 09:00
Chairs: Mr Sanj Kumar, Dr Catherine Kettleborough
Are you new to ELRIG? Meet with other ECPs who will guide you through all the ECP activities taking place at Drug Discovery 2022 and become part of your network! Free to attend, coffe & pastries will be provided.
Are you a post-doc, postgraduate, early career researcher or professional (ECP) scientist looking to start or build your career in drug discovery? If so, building and managing your network of contacts is critical to your success. We invite you join us at our ECP speed networking event at ELRIG Drug Discovery 2022.Free to attend and takes place during the Networking hour.
Auditorium 4
5-October-2022, at 12:50
Chairs: Ms Hanadi Jabado, Mr Tom Fleming, Dr Michael Salako, Dr Margaret Anne Craig
ELRIG Tech Theatre - supported by DDW
4-October-2022, at 10:20
Chairs: Dr Anne Hammerstein, Product Manager, SPT Labtech
• Find out why liquid handling automation is no longer the reserve of high-throughput screening (HTS) alone.
• Discover how automation offers powerful benefits beyond mere increases in the rates of throughput, making automated solutions essential for labs of all shapes and sizes.
• Get an overview of the many application areas and standard liquid handling tasks that can and should now be automated.
• Understand the key considerations for evaluating and selecting a scalable liquid handling solution that's right for your lab's workflows, both now and in the future.
• Understand the critical importance of workflow integrity and automated liquid volume verification: why workflow integrity matters and how/when to check volumes in your process.
Speaker - Nicola Richmond, VP of AI, BenevolentAI
In this talk, Nicola Richmond, VP of AI, will give an overview of BenevolentAI’s unique AI-augmented, hypothesis-driven drug discovery platform and how its application is capable of generating novel targets at scale.
Speaker - Samantha Kanza, Senior Enterprise Fellow, University of Southampton
Making improvements to digitisation is a two-stage problem, we need to encourage people to digitise more, and we need better systems to manage the plethora of electronic data once it makes its way into digital form. This presentation will consider both of these aspects by discussing the current state of digitisation of scientific research, including how things have changed (or not) since COVID-19, the barriers (and suggested mitigations) to these barriers, and the digitisation requirements of the physical sciences community.
Speaker - Raj Patey, Business Development Director, My Green Lab
This talk will address the global growth of the green lab movement, My Green Lab’s vision for the industry and alignment with the UN race to zero campaign. It will cover My Green Lab’s Carbon Impact of the Biotech & Pharma study and how programs are being utilised by labs in sectors including academia, pharma, biotech and wider, to run labs in a more sustainable way and green their supply chains.
Speaker - CBRE, Adam Prosho, Global ILS Training Director
During this session Prosho will be using his career to-date as an example of the varied roles the human plays in the Automated Lab. He will outline how these roles have changed over the years due to a combination of generational shifts across the workforce, advances in the field of lab automation and the explosion of data analytics and machine learning. He will also cover how employers, manufacturers and CBRE are adapting their offerings to meet this 21st century workplace.
Speaker - Dr Yahya Anvar, Head of Data Science,
• How can automation and AI be used to expedite the drug discovery process?
• What benefits can these technologies create?
• What are the barriers for entry and might prevent better uptake?
What are the challenges of using this technology and how can they be surmounted?
• What role does technology have in the post drug discovery process?
Speaker - Martin-Immanuel Bittner, CEO & Co-Founder Arctoris
Is the lab of the future remote? What benefits will this create for drug discovery and development researchers? What savings can it create? Will virtual working become the new norm or is a likely scenario a physical and virtual hybrid? How are technology suppliers addressing the virtual lab and what can they offer the research sector that improves current working practices?
Speaker -Zoe Hughes-Thomas, Associate Director, Head Medicine Design Automation, GlaxoSmithKline
This presentation discusses the need for identification of exquisite specificities in therapeutic antibody discovery. It demonstrates GSK’s use of automation to keep the discovery funnel wider for longer. This includes the ability to express and purify panels of antibodies in a high-throughput, automated manner, enabling parallel screening for biological function and developability, accelerating the drug discovery process. I will describe how we have created data-rich environments to enable the selection of high-quality leads, accelerate cycle times to candidate and reduce the time on manual tasks freeing up FTEs to focus on science.
“Full Spectral profiling (FSP)™ is often associated with complicated workflows that can be challenging to implement in some research labs. Workflows for the development, optimization of complex immunophenotyping panels for tissue and disease characterization can be time consuming and expensive but are essential to the production of robust data. Here we demonstrate Cytek’s® streamlined solutions with FSP™ to accelerate the movement to high dimensional characterization of immune subsets through simple preoptimized workflows and reagents. This workshop will showcase a live demonstration of Cytek’s® comprehensive solutions to facilitate research using our intuitive SpectroFlo® software on a 3 laser Aurora with preoptimized Cytek Assay Settings™ to acquire our Cytek 14-colour Immunophenotyping Kit. This kit is part of a range of pre-titrated and optimized immunostaining kits with readily downloadable pre-set experimental templates offered by Cytek® as a plug and play solution. We will demonstrate the ease of experimental setup, and the high-quality resolution of immune subsets using Cytek’s® offering of expert panel design and cFluor reagents in a single “off the shelf” assay allowing faster access to biological insights.”
ELRIG Tech Theatre - sponsored by DDW
4-October-2022, at 14:15
Chairs: Dr Paul Avery
Marketing automation tools enable life science marketing teams to generate better results with less effort. If used correctly, they can help you optimise your marketing operations and maximise your team’s efficiency, freeing up time to focus on higher-value, more stimulating work.
In this workshop, we’ll help you uncover whether marketing automation could add value to your organisation, while also providing practical tips for successfully implementing a new automation system.
Auditorium 4
4-October-2022, at 10:20
Chairs: Mrs Sue Ward, Mr Chris Luche
Auditorium 4
4-October-2022, at 15:15
Chairs: Mr Tom Froggatt
Auditorium 4
5-October-2022, at 10:20
Chairs: Dr Paul Mears, Dr Andrew Ratcliffe