Profile of Dr Michael Anbar
Dr. Michael Anbar is a Principal Scientist in the R&D Base Editing team at Horizon Discovery, a PerkinElmer company. Since joining the company in January 2020, his work is focused on developing various components of Pin-point™ and enabling the technology to fulfil its commercial potential. Prior to joining Horizon Discovery, he was a Team Leader and Senior Scientist in the Experimental Haematology Laboratory at the Tel-Aviv University/Beilinson Hospital Research Center (FMRC) in Israel establishing a novel exosome-based immunotherapy platform. Prior to FMRC, he was an R&D Manager at a biotech start-up company leading the efforts for improving the efficiency and production of an engineered multi-enzyme complex for use in commercial-scale bioreactor systems. His post-doctoral research focused on protein engineering of thermostable enzymes.
Michael holds a PhD. in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from the Weizmann Institute of Science.