Update: GDPR compliance - Klebo/eventflo Conferences

Prof Molly Stevens

Prof Molly Stevens
Prof Molly Stevens
Professor of Biomedical Materials and Regenerative MedicineĀ 
Imperial College London

Presentations at Update: GDPR compliance - Klebo/eventflo Conferences

Profile of Prof Molly Stevens

Prof Molly M Stevens FREng FRS is Professor of Biomedical Materials and Regenerative Medicine and the Research Director for Biomedical Material Sciences in the Department of Materials, in the Department of Bioengineering and the Institute of Biomedical Engineering at Imperial College London.

Prof Stevensā€™ multidisciplinary research balances the investigation of fundamental science with the development of technology to address some of the major healthcare challenges. Her work has been instrumental in elucidating the bio-material interfaces. She has created a broad portfolio of designer biomaterials for applications in disease diagnostics and regenerative medicine. Her substantial body of work influences research groups around the world with over 30 major awards for the groups research and Clarivate Analytics Highly Cited Researcher in Cross-Field research.

Prof. Stevens holds numerous leadership positions including Director of the UK Regenerative Medicine Platform "Smart Acellular Materials" Hub and Deputy Director of the EPSRC IRC in Early-Warning Sensing Systems for Infectious Diseases.


Prof Ian Adcock
Principle Investigator
Imperial College London
Dr Neha Agre
Health Management Student
Imperial College London
Dr Hakan Bagci
Postdoctoral Researcher
Imperial College London
Mr Kamil Bieniasz
Chemistry Undergraduate
Imperial College London
Miss Rupali Dabas
PhD student
Imperial College London
Miss Luba Dziojeva
Imperial College London
Miss Lucy Edwardes
PhD student
Imperial College London
Mr Dan Marks
PhD Student
Imperial College London
Dr Rachel Richardson
Postdoctoral Researcher
Imperial College London
Dr Abigail Walker
Post Doctoral Researcher
Imperial College London
Prof Wisia Wedzicha
Professor of Respiratory Medicine
Imperial College London
Mr Daniel Welch
Biochemistry Undergraduate
Imperial College London


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